Lois Freedman - Counseling for Women

Mother Loss

Lois counsels women who have experienced the death of their mothers. Early mother loss has a tremendous impact on a woman’s life, particularly as she reaches the developmental milestone of becoming a mother herself. Whenever a woman loses her mother, it is a monumental change in her life. The intimate bond with one’s mother is important and significant. Especially during pregnancy and postpartum, a woman whose mother is deceased may feel intensely alone or lost. As well, a woman whose mother has been unavailable to her for various reasons may feel a similar sense of "mother loss." A woman who feels she was not mothererd in the way she wanted or needed may experience feelings of loss.  

Women who have lost their mothers or women whose mothers are unavailable need extra support and time to grieve the loss. Through compassionate private counseling, Lois provides that service to women. Lois believes healing can take place at any time in a woman’s life.

Women, with or without mothers, yearn for love and support as they become mothers themselves. Many of Lois's clients have felt some resolution after doing this important healing work. 

Contact Lois Freedman by phone at 617-543-1270, or Lois@LoisFreedman.net